You have received your pre-arrival letter.
Next step: Register with Planning for Canada!
Come to Canada Prepared.
If you have been approved as an economic or family class immigrant or an Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) candidate, Planning for Canada can help you plan for your move, settlement and employment in Canada. We offer free pre-arrival information and support!
Click here for program requirements and eligibility documents.

Plan for Canada as soon as you receive your invitation to attend pre-arrival services
Each year, thousands of people are accepted as immigrants to Canada. By 2036, immigrants will represent 30% of Canada’s population, and they already account for almost 100% of labour force growth. There is much to learn about this vast, diverse and welcoming country. Despite doing your best to prepare for life and employment in Canada, you may still face many challenges and unknowns.
Get ahead by participating in our free IRCC-funded program.
Our Impact
Since 2007, Planning for Canada has helped more than 63,000 immigrants prepare for their life in Canada.
Clients felt they could better assess the challenges they may face when moving to and settling in Canada.
Clients said they understood better their job readiness and what needs to be done in their job search.
Clients expressed being motivated by our team to take initial steps regarding employment prior to their arrival.
Planning for Canada:
Your Ultimate Guide to a Smooth Transition!
How we can help you prepare pre-arrival
We can provide you with free pre-arrival services, accurate, up-to-date information and personalized advice about living and working in Canada. Our in-Canada settlement and employment advisors will offer you guidance, support and referrals based on your province, territory or city of destination and intended occupation.
Our Pre-arrival services
Access our pre-arrival services online no matter where you live!
In-person services are available in India and the Philippines.

Get Oriented
Attend an Immigrant Workshop to learn about Canada, ask your questions, and connect with other immigrants.
Additionally, take advantage of immersive and self-paced virtual
e-learning modules.

Build your Plan
Participate in a One-on-One session to build a Settlement Plan with help from a well-trained facilitator to help you prepare for personal and professional success.

Get Connected
Connect with highly professional advisors located in Canada who will provide you with information and further connections tailored to your destination and intended occupation.
Our services are available from anywhere worldwide in the time zones convenient for you!
Thanks to funding from Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), all Planning for Canada services are provided to you free of charge.
Live Webinars
Join our live webinars which provide up-to-date information about Canadian culture and living and working in Canada.
PfC Library
Discover important and useful pre-arrival tips, checklists and recommendations about living and working in Canada in a flexible, self-paced manner!

A Door to Employment
Job-related training and short courses designed for internationally educated professionals at Canada’s post-secondary institutions can help you upgrade your existing skills, get you back into your field faster after arrival, or even develop a new career. Post-secondary education institutions — colleges, universities, institutes, polytechnics and CEGEPs — in Canada offer many high-quality training options, both pre- and post-arrival, to support your labour market integration. You can start some job-related training and short courses even before you arrive in Canada.
Learn about the immigration journeys of our former clients